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Grouts & Anchor Grouts DOV® ANCHOR GROUT

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 Rapid setting two component polyester resin grout for anchoring bolts and rebar’s. High initial strength gain permits rapid installation and early application of load. Useful for grouting of rebar’s for concrete extensions.


Case Study




DOV® ANCHOR GROUT is a polyester resin based two component grout suited for anchor grouting of bolts and rods of dia 8 to 50 mm into concrete, rock, masonry or brickwork. The grout permits a permanent fixing arrangement and provides very high initial strength where high speed of installation and early application of load are required. The liquid resin and powder hardener comes in a pre weighed pack that only needs to be mixed and applied. After hardening the grout produces anchorage of consistent reproducible values.

Area Of Application

For fixing of – rebar’s, tie rods, dowels, foundation bolts and insert plates. Can also be used for fixing staircase and balcony hand rails. Useful for anchoring rails of over head cranes.

Features & Benefits

  • Bond strength – High early compressive strength and bond strength permitting early application of load.
  • Non shrink property ensures 100% contact with substrate and rod.
  • Moisture resistant – can be applied even when the substrate is damp.
  • Resistant to water, mild acids and alkalis and can remain submerged in water for prolonged duration without being affected.
  • Provides a very strong bond and is easy to apply.
  • Suitable for horizontal, vertical and even over head applications

Method of Application

                   Surface Preparation

  • The location to fix the anchors should be marked before drilling.
  • Holes are to be drilled in to the concrete using rotary percussive drill machine, ensuring the sides of the hole are rough enough for proper anchorage.
  • During the drilling operation, care must be taken that the drilled hole is shaped preferably to a dovetail configuration.
  • In case, the sides are parallel inside the drilled holes, roughening for adequate anchorage must provide sufficient key.
  • Surface should be sound & free from oil, grease & laitance.
  • Clean the surfaces thoroughly, remove the dust with compressed air.
  • New concrete surface has to be cured for minimum 28 days.

Factors Influencing Strength

The high strength obtained by DOV® ANCHORGROUT exhibits strong anchors to be created. Ultimate strength is determined by:

  • Strength of embedded material
  • Length of grout mix bond to bar
  • Hole preparation and formation
  • Type of the bar
  • Dimension of bar

Bar Preparation

  • All bars should be free of oils and grease.
  • Rust must be removed by wire brushing & scrapping


Clean equipments & tools using solvents like xylene, toluene or thinner before setting of the grout.


  • The complete pack of resin and catalyzed filler must be stirred individually in individual container.
  • The entire contents must be emptied into a dry & clean container and mixed mechanically with a slow speed driller fitted with a paddle till a homogenous mix of even consistency is obtained.
  • The mixed grout must be placed within the gel time of the grout.
  • Do not attempt to mix partial pack components


  • Depth of installation must be calculated for better anchorage within the concrete, to ensure the shear stress developed is within permissible stresses.
  • Part mixing is not allowed. Material to be mixed and used in one operation after opening the container.
  • The creep of the mixed grout under loading may be significant at temperatures of 40°C and higher.
  • Wastage factor to a maximum of 25% may be considered during application.
  • When the area is under fire safety regulations, Dov Anchorgrout should not be used where the structure has to maintain the similar performance as parent material. The areas of application must be well-ventilated and no naked flames allowed.
  • Hand gloves must be used while using the resin anchor grout. In case of contact with the skin, it must be washed immediately with soap and water thoroughly. In case of contact with eye, immediately wash with plenty of water and seek medical attention.


  • The hole should be 2/3rd filled with the mixed grout.
  • The anchor bar is placed in the hole to the required depth and held in position.
  • The anchor bar is then slightly agitated holding bar in position to achieve complete bond.
  • The bar should then be left undisturbed in the required position until the resin is set completely.

Physical State

Part A Base - Liquid
Part B Catalyst - Powder

Colour of mix


Pot Life at 300C

10-15 Minutes.

Initial Set (@ 25-353 C)

15-30 minutes

Compressive Strength when tested as per BS 6319
Part 2: 1983.

At Minimum Loading time

>20 N/mm2

After 7 Days

70 N/mm2

Chemical Resistance

The cured resin is resistant to fresh and salt water, petrol, oils, grease and most acids, alkalis and solvents


Store in cool, dry location

Shelf Life

Maximum of 6 Months from date of manufacture in unopened package


1 Kg of mix will yield 0.5Lts




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